Sunday, November 26, 2006



La experiencia humana y la investigación científica ofrecen conceptos y metodologías para analizar, diagnosticar y resolver conflictos. A esta novedosa rama interdisciplinaria de las ciencias sociales se le denomina “transformación de conflictos”.
Esta disciplina versa sobre la paz como valor social constructivo. Sostiene con convicción que la paz es mejor para todos. La investigación se dedica entonces a descubrir o diseñar nuevas metodologías que puedan asistir en procesos de transformación de conflictos.
Hay cinco conceptos fundamentales para la búsqueda de la paz. Primero, la no violencia. Violencia es la alteración de la armonía física, mental, emocional y espiritual de seres humanos y demás seres vivos. La armonía debe prevalecer para vivir en paz.
Segundo, la empatía. Nos referimos a esto con la expresión “ponerse en los zapatos del otro.” Se trata de imaginarse por unos instantes cómo nos sentiríamos y cómo nos comportaríamos si fuéramos otra persona, especialmente nuestra contraparte en un conflicto.
Tercero, la creatividad. Cuando nos encontramos en una situación de conflicto, tendemos a buscar un máximo de dos soluciones. En algunas ocasiones ni siquiera podemos imaginar una segunda opción de solución. La creatividad lo que busca es la generación abierta de estas opciones. En ese ejercicio podrían surgir opciones que satisfagan más plenamente las necesidades de las partes. Incluso podrían combinarse algunas opciones dadas para crear otras nuevas.
Cuarto, comunicación efectiva. Se habla mucho de diálogo, y lo que significa este término es “a través de la palabra.” Es una iniciativa de paz, porque propone hablar en vez de guerrear. Es un buen comienzo. A esta regla hay que agregarle la escucha activa, que es el aprestamiento para facilitar el proceso de conversación entre las partes. Esto quiere decir que cada parte del conflicto tiene la responsabilidad de hacer silencio y el poder absoluto para tomar la iniciativa de escuchar y formular preguntas que ayuden al otro a expresarse con más claridad.
También requiere la destreza de la asertividad, que significa transmitir un mensaje lo más claramente posible haciendo el menor esfuerzo. Se trata de ser breves resolviendo conflictos, para disponer en el futuro de más tiempo para disfrutar el presente.
Quinto, humildad. No andarse por las ramas, sino poner los pies en la tierra (humildad: humus: tierra) y reconocer lo que no hemos hecho bien, pedir perdón, y pedir otra oportunidad para intentarlo de nuevo. También, recordar que todos tenemos en todo momento el poder para tomar la iniciativa de ofrecer una mano, de bajar la cabeza, de hacer mea culpa, de disculparse y de ser transparente. Sólo así se genera confianza cuando se ha perdido.
En una situación de conflicto el paso del tiempo implica que cada día que pasa ambas partes pierden un poco más, no sólo de lo que ya tienen, sino también considerando la abundancia que podrían generar y que están dejando de ganar, si estuvieran en una relación sinérgica.
Afortunadamente, siempre hay tiempo, porque en cualquier momento, cualquiera de las partes puede proponer una iniciativa de paz que ayude a que se rompa la nociva espiral de la violencia y se inicie el desarrollo sostenible de la paz. Lo antes, mejor.

Friday, November 24, 2006

The Axis of Wisdom

Pakistan, India and Iraq. These three countries share a lesson or two to be learned. Pakistan and India resolved, a few decades ago, to form two sovereign States. They have been fighting ever since. Iraq was governed by a few decades by one single man's power: Saddam Hussein [KEEP HIM ALIVE IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY!!!]. Since he was ousted (illegitimately) from power, the carnage in Iraq, with the U.S. as "best supporting actor", is breaking up into several pieces. We could count six or seven clear factions (local and foreign) that wouldn't mind a "piece of the pie". And that is OK.

It is about time that India and Pakistan greet each other as siblings -civilized ones- and identify ways in which they can help each other achieve their dreams. It's not so difficult. Try forgiveness, apology, and reconciliation. Try a fair trade agreement (FTA).

Iraq should learn to separate. It shouldn't be as uncivilized as it is today (come on: 3709 violent deaths in October??? Give me a break.), especially not for a people that have been so prolific as civilization since our origin as hominids. Mesopotamia developed mathematics. We owe them much. Let's help them realize their dreams. They are not striving for oil. Perhaps they are the only ones who aren't. They wouldn't mind sharing it if that would buy each other out from the fighting. Mutual purchase by all inhabitants of the country. The division would be a matter of talking. That has never been a problem for humanity.

As of the rest of us, especially those that are ignorant about Islam, we must be culturally sensitive to Islam and to all other religions, nationalities, citizenships, or any other distinct characteristic of a person or group of people. We must start using the idea that "similarities unite; differences enrich" as a tool for peaceful transformation. It can be achieved.

It would be another gigantic lesson of Iraqis, and a very good example of Islam if this is achieved here in Iraq, the sooner the better.

We are all expecting, we are all waiting, and we are all hurting.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Civilization Going in Reverse

That Saddam Hussein, former dictator of Iraq for 34 years, has been sentenced to death by hanging, is a very worrysome symthom that civilization has set the reverse gear and gone back in time, to the time when Human Rights were not a global institution like they are today in most countries.

That the U.S. allows such a circus to take place is an even more worrysome fact, since they are, once again, ignoring the consequences of their behavior in a foreign land that they have invaded illegitimately, against all International Laws.

That Saddam Hussein is being held responsible for crimes against humanity, and that he has to pay with his life, despite a trial so tainted with violations to his defendant's rights, only makes me wonder: who is to be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that have lost their lives after the U.S. invasion? Could we imagine George W. Bush being held responsible (and hanged) for the deaths he has caused? Let us not see that ever.

So, let us not see, ever, Saddam Hussein being hanged. Shame on us if we are all exposed to that ridiculizing and gruesome death.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Kalamazoo Revolution


All human beings share the fundamental intimate needs for attention and affection;

All human beings are political beings, engaging others by persuading them through their ideas;

The values that compose peace, like effective communication, creativity, empathy, nonviolence, love, and cooperation, are already present in all societies of the world;

Peaceful engagement is immune to violence;

Conflict Transformation is a dynamic process that requires sufficient time to be completed;

The creation of a positive social epidemic demands ordinary efforts of ordinary people in a common direction;

A revolution is a faster-pace evolution;

Transparency generates trust, and trust fosters virtue;

That in presence of good, there is no further need to dichotomize good and evil;

A critical mass of inhabitants of the United States of America have reached a Tipping Point of spillover in their level of tolerance for the way their political elite has been governing their country and relating with other countries of the world, and that this energy needs to be channeled in a constructive manner;

A critical mass of inhabitants of the United States of America are willing to make the sacrifice epitomized in the endeavor to generate positive change and to contribute with their individual and collective efforts;

The peoples of the United States of America deserve to be engaged in peace by all other peoples of the world;

The global leadership that the United States of America has had during the last half century, entitles this great nation to appreciation on behalf of all of those people, individuals and groups, that have been aided or benefited by American cooperation, including, especially, the millions of culturally diverse immigrants that have found a safe home in American territory;

That whatever wounds the United States of America, through its foreign policy, might have inflicted on individuals and groups around the world, may only be forgiven through the sole initiative of its victims;

That the reconciliation process between the world and the United States of America, and between the American Civil Society and the American Government, will begin the moment the American Government recognizes its wrongdoings, acknowledges the basic needs that have been violated, and expresses its apology for the harms done;

That the degree of success of peaceful revolutions in comparison with violent ones confirms the mandate that this Revolution be a peaceful one, through creative solutions, an attitude of empathy, and most important of all, nonviolent interaction and behavior;

Now therefore,

The Kalamazoo Revolution is hereby launched as a Declaration of Peace from the people, by the people, and for the people of the United States of America;

It shall be based on the principle of unidentifiable leadership, to avoid mistakes in the past committed by revolutionary leaders like Jesus of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Ernesto “Che” Guevara, and other prominent revolutionaries whose endeavors were interrupted violently by those in fear of addressing the truth;

The values promoted by this Revolution are those related to peace and democracy, keeping in mind that the Institutions of the United States of America have been pillars of social justice for all;

The principle of networking, deeply embedded in American cosmology, is the principle to gain adepts to the movement, all of which are already agents of change in their communities, contributors to a better world and promoters of ever-greater peaceful coexistence;

The first change that shall be promoted by all endorsers of this Revolution is an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America to move Election Day to the Sunday immediately after the constitutionally appointed date, allowing a greater majority of citizens to freely exercise their right to vote.

Kalamazoo, Michigan
October 31, 2006